Your Deposition or Examination Under Oath is Set, What’s Next?
Review the crash report or incident report to refresh your memory about how the accident occurred. Take time to think through what happened to your body at the time of impact. For example, were you thrusted back and forth in your vehicle? Did you hit your head on any part of the vehicle? Did you feel immediate pain? Did you lose consciousness?
Review your responses to interrogatories. At the time of your deposition, it is likely you and your attorney have participated in the “discovery process.” Be sure to review your responses and be familiar with your answers as they are considered sworn testimony. Many of the deposition questions will be based on your responses and insurance companies are looking to find inconsistent statements in your testimony.
Reflect on how the accident has impacted your life. For example, does it hurt to stand in the kitchen and cook a meal? Are you no longer able to work out as vigorously as you once were? Have your relationships suffered as a result of the limitations presented by your injuries? Keep mental notes about these hardships and be sure to be descriptive during your deposition.
Prepare with your attorney. Be sure to make all scheduled preparation appointments and review all the documents provided to you.
At The Modern Law Group, we make sure that we provide our clients with a copy of all statements made during litigation to ensure they are adequately prepared.