You’ve Just Been Pulled Over for a DUI in Florida, What’s Next?
Never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs! However, if you are pulled over and suspected of driving impaired, here are helpful tips.
Do not argue with the officer. Being combative could be used as evidence to support their claim that you were under the influence. Be polite and professional.
You have the right to remain silent and we highly recommend that you exercise that right! Any statements can and will be used against you. If you chose to speak, give careful answers to the questions, and remember that you are likely being audio and/or video recorded.
Field Sobriety Exercises are VOLUNTARY! You are not required to do them but if you do, they will be used against you.
Breathalyzers are also voluntary, however, if you refuse to submit to a breath test, you could face criminal penalties under certain circumstances as well as suspension of your driver’s license.
Call an experienced attorney if you are arrested for DUI!